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Archive Articles

2017 class of Petit Undergraduate Research Scholars most diverse in program history

Four BME faculty will join the AIMBE College of Fellows

Pai recognized for teaching effectiveness

Petit Institute researcher elected to national honor society for physician-scientists

Understanding the biophysical cues provided by pathogenic particles may help fine tune vaccines.

An electric buzz to the vagus can fight chronic inflammation -- this fine-tune makes it even better.

Emory interventional radiologists collaborating with Georgia Tech Capstone students

Successful reduction of beta amyloid plaques achieved by using flickering light to modulate brain activity and energize immune cells

Team included two biomedical engineering undergraduate students

APDC-supported CorMatrix, develops devices that can grow with the patient

Georgia Tech is advancing health informatics in ways that will affect the future of health care.

Team sponsored by Boston Scientific designed a better catheter for fertility treatment

The process curates and integrates biological or clinical data into a usable database for researchers

Award recognizes the highest level of excellence among early-stage researchers

BioE students Alyssa Pybus and Troy Batugal balance military and lab commitments

Integrated Cancer Research Center developing new weapons for war on cancer

BME interim chair guiding department during transition period

Learning Commons program helping students navigate the challenges of higher education

Bleeding disorders could one day be diagnosed by putting platelets through strength tests

Four Gender Equity Champion Award winners were honored at the Eighth Annual Diversity Symposium.

Program offers trainees a wide-angled glimpse of biomedical career options

CTEng Trainees Make Quick, Productive Trip to Genentech

Researchers have developed a sensor to show the location of hydrogen peroxide inside living cells with high resolution.

Two Coulter teams take home awards in fall semester Capstone Design competition

Biotechnology Career Fair brings in record numbers

When Schaar heard about UNICEF’s Wearables for Good design challenge, she encouraged students to submit their ideas.

REM plays lead role in annual gathering of global stakeholders

Study finds ballet training may improve balance and coordination in daily activities

Donates gift of $150,000 to help support BME undergraduate students

BME Faculty Recognized by Emory University School of Medicine

Two teams of Georgia Tech students brought home the top prizes at Hack ATL, the largest undergraduate business “hackathon” in the Southeast.

Presidents, founders, leaders, and faculty celebrate anniversary of interdisciplinary research institute